
We Got Mail!

capitalist piglet4/10/2009 6:03:23 pm PDT

re: #157 jcm

Ron Sims, King Co. Exec. who just got a BIG fine for failing to disclose public documents. Guy who put the Critical Areas Ordinance in place which took 60% of peoples land in rural areas and which added $200,000 to the price of a home in King Co. He’s now #2 at HUD.

Locke former gov. is Commerce Sec. Locke at least was tolerable.

People may also be interested to know that Sims also caved to what amounted to extortion by homeless “advocacy” (if by “advocacy”, you mean keeping people in a state of perpetual homelessness) groups who were demanding to be given chunks of public land on which to set up PERMANENT tent cities. The only thing that stopped them was the county charter, which happened to forbid the use of the initial site they had chosen for anything but transit.

Yes, folks - that’s Obama’s #2 at HUD.