
Overnight Open Thread

RogueOne3/23/2010 4:50:42 am PDT

re: #186 WindUpBird

So, the people who wanted health care reform to be MORE robust, and who thought the compromise away from the public option was politics?

They’re going to vote Republican? ;-)

because that’s where most of those 60% of dems are.

No, they just won’t take the time to go vote which is just as bad as voting for a repub. The side that lost will be wound up about it being “just politics” and take the time to go out and vote, the side that won may not feel the urge to go cast their vote all based on the same view.

RE: Pelosi. That’s why I asked if anyone had seen any numbers from her district. I assume she’s safe but I also assumed Daschle was safe in 2004.