
Wednesday Night Open

JamesWI9/12/2012 8:03:30 pm PDT

re: #183 Guanxi88

There’s hardly any need to invoke the Oedipal polysyllabic with me, but leaving it aside:

Other than documenting the legal success of a man in earning a living and then some, what possible point can there be in releasing tax records in response to an incumbent’s request to do so?

I mean, if BHO’s claim to worthiness is his genius and skill and what-have-you, whereas Romney the milk-drinker (I distrust a man with no public vices, BTW) has not claimed anything more or other than that he’s been a successful busnessman, whyever not should His Excellency release such proofs as may exist of his academic acumen in exchange of Romney’s tax records?

After all, had Mitt cheated or dodged, surely the IRS would have taken notice by now…

I don’t think anyone went to the voting booth for Barack Obama because because they thought he got good grades.