
Ann Coulter: Putin made Obama look like a "monkey"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/10/2013 2:12:28 pm PDT

Several progressive blogs have taken up the issue of the textbook reviewers for the TX SBOE and the obvious right wing or religious criticism of parts of the textbooks.

The Dallas Morning News picked up on it in a story yesterday too:

Religious conservatives on Texas textbook review panels criticize proposed science books

None of this is really new news, as we are all aware of the long struggle over these topics, but this paragraph in the DMN article stood out to me:

“I understand the National Academy of Science’s strong support of the theory of evolution,” said Texas A&M University nutritionist Karen Beathard, one of the biology textbook reviewers. “At the same time, this is a theory. As an educator, parent and grandparent, I feel very firmly that creation science based on biblical principles should be incorporated into every biology book that is up for adoption.”

What this demonstrates (again) is that someone can earn a college science degree and even be part of an educational institution and yet choose to disregard what the actual science says.

Never under rate the ability of us humans to lie to ourselves.