
Yon: Photos from Israel

Desert Dog2/13/2009 9:11:21 am PST

re: #151 opnion

This may be old news, but I heard it on Glen Beck while I was driving this morning. Members of Congress had from 7pm last night until 9am this morning to read the stimulus bill. You could not speed read it , much less research & understand it in that time.
A Republican Conmgressman from Texas was on & says that the rush to pass it today is so pelosi can get face time at the signing ceremony.
She is flying to Rome tonight on an 8 day Euro junket & want’s it done before she leaves.

Is she going to over to take notes on European style socialized medical insurance, or to take notes on how to nationalize industries, or is she going to see how the different European versions of the IRS manage to squeeze every last Euro out of the citizenry?