
Sunday Night Jam: Leon Bridges, "Smooth Sailin'"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam12/14/2015 3:36:57 am PST

I have a networking hardware question for you all. The university here provides me with a PPPoE connection 24/7 at home. Lately, I’ve been having connectivity problems. Although my devices are connected to my wireless router, and Win10 reports it has an Internet connection, in fact it doesn’t, or the transmission rate is very very slow, leading to timeout errors while browsing, etc. If I tell the router to connect on a new IP address, everything is fine for about another 30 minutes, then the delays start again. Sometimes rebooting the router is the only way to fix things.

So, what I want to know is, do I have problem with the router (a Chinese brand) or the PPPoE connection gone hinky? I’d want to be sure it’s not my hardware before I complain the university IT department.

The uni’s IT guys were reconfiguring the DNS servers last month. That was loads of fun. I suspect my current troubles are related to the new set-up.