
Jon Gomm: The Ghost Inside You

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/07/2021 11:43:19 am PST

re: #184 Dread Pirate Ron

Reminds me of an odd dream I had last week: Iā€™m at a table with three other people, apparently the topic is Mars, specifically life on Mars. Apparently some device we sent detected possible signs of life (real signs, not the purported life implications of some other long-ago lander), and I argued that if we had only one shot then we should go for it - go there and follow up on the initial discovery. Another person at the table apparently was dismissing it. Then I am looking down through a microscope and see some little critter moving around.

Anyway, that was a dream. In real life I doubt there are living things on Mars. It is quite hostile (like almost all the universe).