
What's on My Kindle?

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/18/2009 10:27:53 pm PDT

The quoted “Geochelone”, whose comment is posted above, is apparently a banned LGF’er:

I was banned from LGF a while back. I made what I thought was a funny and very tame comment. I accidentally left off the /sarc tag and was summarily banned. I could not believe it. There is something wrong with CJ. He is obsessed and will not admit it. He claimed at the time that his site gives equal time to all topics of the day when in reality his site has become Evolution Debate 101 Central. Except there is nor debate. Its his site so he can do whatever he wants. But to pretend that he does not focus on Darwin on frequent basis is kind of silly.

Geochelone on May 20, 2009 at 11:15 PM