
O'Keefegate Photographer Speaks

Buck2/05/2010 3:08:24 pm PST

re: #161 Charles

This was NOT some kind of harmless debate like you might see on Phil Donahue. The event was highly controversial and was nearly canceled, until black conservative Kevin Martin was invited as cover. Other “establishment conservatives” had agreed to attend but backed out when discovered Jared Taylor was the featured speaker.

And there’s a very good reason for that controversy, because Taylor’s views are repugnant.

All of this is straight from the horse’s mouth at American Renaissance, Taylor’s site.

American Renaissance News: Race And Conservatism Debated At The Robert A. Taft Club (No Thanks To The Leadership Institute)

So Taylor, a person we think is repugnant, gets to set up what happened? I am sure some crap did happen, but that doesn’t mean it was a White Nationalist Conference, or that everyone there was a racist.
Maybe some came to support Kevin? Wouldn’t that be a good thing?