
Right Wing Bloggers Blame Everything but Guns

Scottish Dragon12/17/2012 12:10:30 pm PST

I am wondering if it is possible to actually do anything at this point, seeing how the lines are being drawn.

Over at Balloon Juice (a site I have frequented for years) some of the louder folks are busy advocating the wholesale repeal of the 2nd Amendment while claiming that any and all gun owners are “swimming in the warm blood of the innocent” and also “have tiny penis’s”.

When I tried to point out that insulting gun owners who you will need to actually get useful regulation passed may not be the best idea, I was quickly told to fuck off and die.

Meeeeeeanwhile over at Instaidiot’s House of Craaaazy, the Ol’ Perfessor is advocating that I should be strapped and packing heat when I go off to teach at junior high.


The screaming past each other will continue. Nothing will actually get passed because the GOP controls the House and the Senate will not produce a bill that a majority in the House will agree on. Well meaning and justified outrage on the left will unfortunately find expression like what I ran into, and gun owners (who overwhelmingly support some sort of controls according to polls) will refuse to compromise if they think they are being blamed or are being called baby killers and monsters.

And the clock starts ticking to the next massacre.

Jesus wept.