
Tennessee Republicans Introduce Idiotic Anti-Sharia Bill Drafted by Racist Loon

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/28/2011 11:16:50 am PST

I think G.W Bush and his advisers for all their warts realized that Hispanic voters were and are going to make a good chunk of the voting bloc so Bush made a conscious effort to court them in to the party. I think he got up to 40% of the vote in 2004 nationwide with Hispanics and he did really well with those from his state. I am not a big fan of Bush but this was one area where he was miles ahead of his party in. I saw some parts of a speech he gave at I think Texas A&M recently decrying isolationism, know-nothingism, and protectionism. IT was weird for me having been a Bush critic for much of his presidency but I saw that and thought “Right on, Mr. President, right on!”