
Why Does the Tea Party Hate Manatees?

jvic7/13/2011 2:09:41 pm PDT

The Citrus County Tea Party Patriots are here. The header is:

Fiscal Responsibility*Limited Government*Free Market(s)

That all sounds good to me. (IMO mature free markets, if left unregulated, will be rigged by the most powerful participants.)

But then when I read something like

“We cannot elevate nature above people,” explained Edna Mattos, 63, leader of the Citrus County Tea Party Patriots, in an interview. “That’s against the Bible and the Bill of Rights.”

I do what some people call a double-take and others call a WTF.

Those two headers capture my suspicion and concern that some or most Tea Parties have been hijacked, or are in the process of being hijacked, by religious extremists.