
Trump's Crazy Twitter Ranting Shows No Sign of Stopping

No Malarkey!6/28/2017 1:18:21 pm PDT

Anyway, passage of Trumpcare will work like this: First they will allow states to waive community rating so people with pre-existing conditions can be screwed, and that will get the vote of most of the rightwingers. The CBO scored the bill as providing $188 bn more in deficit reduction than the House bill, so McConnell will throw some of that into high risk pools. Then he will buy the votes of moderates with the rest so they can go home and say “look, I got all this money to address the opioid crisis!” That is how they will get to 50 votes. Then when people see the crap insurance policies they can buy, or can’t afford to buy, with Trumpcare, we vote the bastards out of office and institute Medicare for all in 2021.