
Congressional Report: ACORN Broke No Laws

Gus12/24/2009 6:51:53 pm PST

re: #171 wozzablog

Immigration needs doing. If the GOP gets back in expect resolutions being passed seeking to get enough school busses together to deport all 13,000,000 illegals. That was the level of their discourse last time out.

Expect in an Obama/Reid plan something very much favoured by the Big Business wing of the GOP - social secuity numbers, limited amnesty and over all a continued source of cheap labour for big companies and small employers.

There will be concessions towards some fence being built across flash points and increased budgets for the border - but over all it won’t be anything that hurts business.

Could you imagine rounding up 13,000,000 people in the first place. The logistics would be enormous. The security forces would also be massive. This would require America looking very much like a de facto police state for the duration while the rest of the world looks on. Then you’d have to take each one of those 13,000,000 to their respective countries because contrary to popular belief they’re not all from Mexico. That’s about 1 and 1/2 times the population of New York City.