
Overnight Open Thread

Fozzie Bear6/24/2010 12:47:14 am PDT

re: #185 ralphieboy

That is the sticking point. In the days of national economies, those with larger incomes had an incentive to invest in America and create jobs and prosperity at home.

now they take their income and invest it wherever it will bring the biggest margin of return, which is often abroad, where labor costs are lower and environmental and safety regulations are not as strict as they are here.

I can understand letting other countries compete on labor costs, that is fair competition. But to let them compete based on lax safety and environmental standards is doing a disservice to everyone involved, both at home and abroad.

The playing field needs to be leveled globally. Any idea I can come up with to address it is “protectionist”, however, and I don’t know a way around that save treaties and trade agreements. That assumes partners who negotiate in good faith, and we simply cannot hope for that with China. (Our biggest trading partner)