
Pakistan Arrests Informers Who Helped Find Bin Laden

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/14/2011 11:00:26 pm PDT

One last thing on the “debate” Monday night:

No matter how many of us lament the empty-headed-ness of the whole thing, it looks like it did what it was supposed to do: let CNN beat FNC during the two hours it was on:

Cable News Ratings for Monday, June 13, 2011

So, for CNN to beat Fox all they have to do is have all the far right talking heads that are normally on Fox come on over to CNN, sit them in the same room, and have some pretty boy stand up and be run over by the mindlessness of it all.

One thing to note is that the total viewers during the two hours, between FNC and CNN, didn’t change much at the hour break. However, after the hour break CNN pulled way ahead of Fox as CNN picked up what looks like the O’Reilly viewers who tuned out Hannity. During the first hour the debate barely pulled in more of the older crowd than did O’Reilly.

Anyway, the whole thing was clearly about helping CNN ratings and most definitely not about helping the GOP voters of NH pick a candidate.

Compare the numbers to the previous Monday:
and you’ll see what I mean.