
Game Changer: Trump's Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg Given Immunity by Prosecutors to Testify

mmmirele8/24/2018 3:16:49 pm PDT

re: #150 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

Dammit, Jeff, your church is overstepping its boundaries by sending out an email to every Mormon in Utah who has an email account on file with the church to tell them to vote no on Proposition 2, which would legalize medical cannabis.

And then you come up with this kind of stupid. If you don’t watch out, your church is really going to be called “Zionology”. [Background on that—the head of the Mormon church said last week that the church should be called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on first mention and ‘The Church” or “The Church of Jesus Christ” on second. Of course that’s pretentious as hell, so wags have been coming up with other names. The ones that appear to be sticking are “The church formerly known as Mormon” and “Ziontology.”]