
Bobby Jindal's Wife Promotes Science Education While Hubby Works to Subvert It

tom from pv4/15/2009 10:30:44 pm PDT

Yes I wasn’t being a troll. Click delete seems kind of harsh.

I was just saying that science is self-correcting. And spending a few days of study on global warming or intelligent design is not a tragedy. Thats what science is about guys. Propose an hypothesis, prove it right or wrong if you can. If wrong, propose again and repeat the cycle.

NOT discussing things like global warming or intelligent design pushes the discussion out of the objectivity of the classroom, right? Is that really better?

BTW, I make my living as a Computer Scientist at a company that invented the GUI, ethernet, mouse, OOP, and electronic printers. I don’t go to church, don’t believe in creationism, but am very confident that the scientific method will always triumph in the end.

I do admit being somewhat taken aback by what seems to be a hair-trigger on the part of the moderator.

I have another post on the Tea Party thread, I’ll have to go see if that got booted too.