
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/24/2011 3:29:58 am PDT

re: #191 Sergey Romanov

There are new Breiviks in the making.

There are two huge dangers from this.

1. New Breiviks. Guys who will actually use his instruction manual as inspiration or will have been inspired by the event itself.

2. New Breiviks: Guys who are inspired from the same sources he was, like Gates of Vienna, Geert Wilders, and the rest of the insane right-wing that even now in this moment cannot see how their language and rhetoric was a clear call for this to happen.

#2 I think is the most dangerous. If you look at all those right-wing blogs, none of them are saying “You know, we do equate being a liberal who’s pro-immigration to being a traitor. We do claim that the moment to act is now, or Europe will be lost forever. We do claim that the ordinary political process is broken and won’t be sufficient. So the logical outcome is that someone who believes us will actually resort to violence and terrorism.”

They’re all attempting to deflect, to say “Well, we didn’t call for violence, so it couldn’t have come from us.” They’re not taking any responsibility.

Really, they’re caught on the horns of dilemma; if they’re serious in what they say, that this is a unique moment in history where Islam is poised to overrun Europe, that liberals are enabling that, and that things will be relentlessly horrible for Europeans afterwards, then they should be applauding this guy’s actions, or at least only deploring that he killed teenagers. Because if things are as bad as they claim that they are, as desperate, then this is a logical outcome.

If this isn’t a logical outcome, if attempting to spread the word of the danger of Muslim aggression isn’t of such paramount importance, if it’s not actually worth killing over, if things can be handled just fine through the ordinary political process, then what have they been yammering about?