
Krauthammer: A Better Plan for Health Care Reform

itellu3times8/07/2009 11:03:38 am PDT

re: #192 drcordell

Honestly, I’m beginning to think that you are completely detached from reality. Do you remember anything that occurred before Obama was in office? The GOP used budget reconciliation to cram down all 4 of Bush’s major tax initiatives without Democratic support.

The 2001 Bush Tax Cuts [HR 1836, 3/26/01]
The 2003 Bush Tax Cuts [HR 2, 3/23/03]
Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 [HR 4297, 5/11/06] The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 [H. Con Res. 95, 12/21/05]

Each one of these bills had a multi-trillion dollar impact on the budget, now and in the future, and were passed with almost no Democratic votes due to the use of reconciliation. So don’t tell me that Bush was “Mr. Bipartisan” because it’s a complete crock of shit. How about some intellectual honesty?

The Daschle democrats as a matter of policy opposed anything Bush proposed. Don’t blame it on reconciliation. I do not believe there is any precedent in American national politics for the obstructionism of the democrats under Bush - I assume you can find that degree of childishness in many state and municipal governments, in most, in fact. But until about 2000, we were for the most part much luckier at the national level.