
Fake Outrage of the Day: Hilary Rosen Criticizes Ann Romney, Right Wing Goes Nuts

Mostly sane, most of the time.4/12/2012 11:00:22 am PDT

re: #178 blueraven

Actually, other than nursing…yes, a nanny could handle a lot of it.

If she had a nanny.

If not, the poop’s the same. I suppose you could have a wipes warmer so you don’t have to put an ice cold wipe on a baby bum at 3 am. Seriously. Someone gave me one for a baby shower. I never used it, regarding it along the same lines that I would a nose-hair trimmer, but I suppose if you lived in Alaska, it might be a necessity.

Did you know that blueberries can turn the poop forest green? Did you know that corn comes out undigested? Did you know that raisins get reconstituted rather than digested?

Do you know how many diapers you will go through with one child? Lots, and lots, and lots.