
Rachel Maddow interviews Tim Huelskamp about SOTU, Huelskamp Benghazis

ObserverArt1/29/2014 8:39:18 am PST

I happened to watch the SOTU on MSNBC because I knew they would cover the whole thing without talking heads butting in telling me what to think. So, I left it on and was glad I did. That bit of TV was worth watching. I thought see was going to reach through the camera and grab him by the throat, drag him back through the lens into their studio and kick his ass. I’d put my money on Maddow any day.

I keep saying this, but do guys like Huelskamp have the least bit of self-awareness of how stupid he appears going full ‘nut like that? Do they watch the videos after, or are they that full of ‘nut bull they really do not see it as being crazy? And if all that is for their supporters back home, I’d have to consider moving out of that district.