
Why It Matters that Apple is the Number 1 Smart Phone Manufacturer

MichaelJ7/28/2011 12:03:06 pm PDT

re: #1 Buck

First of all, I got my figures wrong. Steve Jobs said they were hoping for 1% of the entire cell phone market share. Current figures show them as having somewhere in the neighborhood of 4.2% of the total market share. The original point still holds - the iPhone’s success has exceeded their wildest expectations. Period.

I think you are (purposely?) missing what the article’s author is saying. Even though I specifically stated in the post that I am not interested in comparing Android (an OS) to iPhone (a device), you do exactly that in your comment. The point once again is to highlight the fact that Apple is the #1 smartphone HARDWARE manufacturer. Regardless of the OS shares, there is no other HARDWARE manufacturer that is selling as many devices as Apple.

I seriously doubt that Apple dismisses Android. However, I do believe that they are quite satisfied with iPhone sales.