
North Korea Going Ahead with Missile Launch

lawhawk4/02/2009 9:55:19 am PDT

Why wouldn’t North Korea go ahead with their missile launch. What’s going to stop them? Threats from Japan that they might shoot it down? That the US will send a strongly worded letter to the UN, which will shrug its shoulders and say that they can’t do anything anyway?

The chattering classes act as though nothing can be done, and that North Korea is entitled to build nuclear weapons and the missiles to strike at targets thousands of miles away. That’s all done while the North Korean people live under the iron fist of a totalitarian dictatorship that provides nothing but pain and misery to those who can barely scrape by on subsistence and the goodwill of the US, which continues providing food shipments because North Korea can’t even produce enough food for its citizens to eat.

It’s all about priorities. Dictators care little for their citizens, and L’il Kim is no exception. Build nuclear weapons, missiles and tanks, and who cares how many die in the North Korean gulag archipelago for crossing the regime and its network of internal spies.

And now, he’s set to launch a missile capable of reaching Hawaii and crossing Japanese airspace.