
Overnight Open Thread

Jadespring2/04/2011 11:27:20 pm PST

re: #15 prononymous

You were wondering what vaccination would be analogous to. If the virus is democracy then you could vaccinate for it by inserting a weak or dead democracy into a hostile area so they know how to deal with it in the future.

Ugh, this is a fairly disgusting metaphor. Thanks McCain for taking us there.

:D Ha ha.

I guess I just have a problem getting my head around the idea of “pro democracy movements as a virus” being a bad thing. Kinda goes against the whole ‘rah, rah democracy and freedom’ best things in the world cheering. I also hear a lot about ” if the arabs or ‘muslims’ would just get more democratic and like us then things would be better. ” I have to wonder how people actually expect that sort of thing to happen.