
Climate Change Denial Front Group Heartland Institute Sends Emails to Bloggers Threatening Legal Action

Mich-again2/19/2012 9:07:10 pm PST

Well I sent an e-mail to Heartland Institute last week in which I noted the irony in how on their website they A) bragged that they did not accept government support. and B) informed potential donors that any contributions to them would be tax deductible. I mean, the tax-exempt status IS government support, right?

Anyway, the next day I got a shitty email reply from Diane Bast at Heartland Institute. Here is the text..

I’m pretty sure you aren’t smart enough to know the difference between politics and public policy. “Teacher” in your email address is a dead giveaway.

Isn’t that special? The tax-exempt organization that was developing anti-science curricullum for public schools apparently assumes that teachers are stupid.

More here.. link..