
Some 'Government Intrusion' Video Ideas for Senator Ron Johnson

Targetpractice4/09/2013 5:13:32 pm PDT

re: #199 HappyWarrior

Seems to me that McConnell’s in a pickle. I think the person recording had to have come from one of the attendees of the session. I just don’t think MJ would be careless enough to accept an illegal recording. Especially after the fact that O’Keefe had to pay up a good amount to that ACORN employee. But also by making a big deal of this and getting the FBI involved, what he said on the tape is going to inevitably get talked about and the mocking of Ashley Judd is something I really don’t see going over that well. I don’t think it will be enough to make her defeat him but I get the impression that him and his campaign feel a little nervous about her candidacy.

She’s already bowed out, last I checked. His whole bit now is about saving his ass in the face of a very likely party primary. Making himself a “victim” of a grand liberal plot would make him somewhat sympathetic to the party base, but that’s unlikely. Really, the best McConnell could have done is keep his yap shut or even trying to convince folks that the contents of the meeting had been considered but rejected as unconscionable. Instead, he’s just made himself look like a whiny brat, as well as a bald-faced liar if it’s found out that the leak came from within his own office.