
Live Video: Kagan Hearings, Day Three

researchok6/30/2010 1:49:21 pm PDT

re: #193 rwdflynavy

I still don’t get the outrage. Obama gets to fill vacant SC seats. He selected a moderate, not a left-wing moonbat, a moderate.

How can we conservatives be upset about that? Bush had his chance, now Obama gets to make his picks.

I’m pleasantly surprised at Kagan’s qualifications and temperment.

Get over it!!

PS: Her quote about Chinese Food on Christmas Day was awesomeness!

She is qualified. Is she left leaning? Yup, she is. She was picked for that reason and because she was qualified. Just like Roberts and Alito.

Presidents get to pick the judges they like. That’s built into in the system. This time it is Obama who does the picking.

Everybody who isn’t happy will just have to deal with it.