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Opinionated1/08/2009 7:16:51 pm PST

Israel also found a useful tool

IDF unveils Hamas map seized in Gaza

Paratroopers in northern Gaza have uncovered a map prepared by Hamas that shows how the terror group prepared for the IDF’s incursion by deploying different types of bombs as well as snipers throughout the town of Atatra.

The handwritten map is based on a bird’s-eye view of the town, likely taken from Google Maps. On the map, Hamas split the town into three sectors - red, blue and green - and highlighted important sites such as mosques, a gas station and a fuel depot.

“On the map, the terrorists also marked sniper positions, as well as the location of roadside bombs, antitank bombs and land mines,” Chief Intelligence Officer Brig.-Gen. Yuval Halamish said on Thursday.

Halamish said the map showed how Hamas does not hesitate to use civilian infrastructure for its terrorist activity. A brown dot marked next to a mosque represents a sniper position.


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