
Rebranding Hate in the Age of Obama

itellu3times4/28/2009 11:00:55 pm PDT

re: #9 zombie

On the other side of the coin:

AP is now running pictures of World Can’t Wait Maoist cult members wearing orange jumpsuits as the illustration for the current top-of-the-news story about Dems wanting to prosecute Bush officials for waterboarding. Without discussing or identifying who WCW even are.

It’s the successful mainstreaming of extreme leftism coming into conflict with the attempted-but-failed mainstreaming of extreme rightism.

And here I am (everybody sing along — you know the rest of the sentence) stuck in the middle with you.

Exactamundo. Here I am, a moderate, with no home in either party. Nothing in the middle but me and you, yellow lines, and flattened skunks.

In fact, I find this hysteria about the far right to be suspect. As the leftards get leftier with the onset of the Obamanation, it would be only cosmic justice if there were more right-wing activity, only … I really don’t see it. I mean, unless you count Huckabee or Ron Paul as new phenomena, or this new anti-evolution trend among elected leaders. But is there more Klan and Birch and neo-Nazi activity? And if there is, hasn’t it just gone from 0.001% to 0.002%?

I remain skeptical.