
English Defense League Riots Again in Britain

wishbone10/11/2010 4:24:44 am PDT

re: #201 Decatur Deb

I don’t really think it comes down to numbers, as such. I mean, there’s no ‘annual skin census’ noting city of birth, political affiliation and nazi or non-nazi. They’re just a reality of the social collective we live in.

In this day and age, idiots like that are well noted by their lack of intelligence and subsequent lack of friends. In any social structure, or subculture within such, there will always be a few arseholes. It’s also worth noting that most of the nutjobs you see in those videos wouldn’t count (and certainly wouldn’t identify themselves) as skinheads. This is why, in terms of British culture today, using the term ‘Skinhead’ to describe this rabble is mostly redundant. These loons are the ‘ASBO generation’; more likely to be seen out in packs, wearing black tracksuits, hooded tops and Nike trainers. They have so little intellect, that their political stance mostly consists of “Well….. it’s the immigrants takin our jobs….innit?”…… And they know this for truth because their mates down the pub all know it and talk about it too. Contempt comes easy for this lot.