
Alex Jones Is Helping Stephen Colbert Re-Find His Comedy Groove, and It's a Beautiful Thing

Pawn of the Oppressor4/23/2017 10:37:19 am PDT

re: #178 stpaulbear

Betty Cracker over at Balloon Juice has a good reaction to that ABC poll. Her summation:

She is absolutely right.

For every one “regular person” who realizes they’ve been scammed, there are a half-dozen Trumpies cackling with glee that Hillary is gone and the boot is on the brown man’s neck again. These folks are reality-impervious and have been for a decade or more now. They do not give a fuck. Stop trying to make them give a fuck. They just won’t.

The Democrats’ only hope is to dump the high-minded elitist reputation, stop talking ONLY about marginalized groups as the thing to worry about, and make themselves about restoring a robust middle class. Cost of living, cost of insurance, wages, debts, all these fucking monkeys on the back of everyone who isn’t living in a mansion.

It’s not “The Economy” - it’s our monthly budget, stupid. Insurance, telecom, food, and debt costs are eating us alive out here in the real world. Nobody can get ahead when their finances are just a steady stream of ass-kickings, one week to the next. Alleviate that, and they might get a few more folks crossing the aisle.