
Robert Spencer Joins Genocidal Facebook Group

Charles Johnson2/11/2009 9:57:53 pm PST


This group entirely understands and accepts that this project will require the displacement of up to 150 million persons, an armed and paramilitarily active settler rediaspora of at least 15 million economically viable semi-civilian colonists, an occupation force consisting of at least 2 million professional troops, a military presents in all territories between Anatolia and West Turkestan and anything between 0.5 and 5 trillion dollars worth of fiscal capital in order to complete. Furthermore this group also realises that the territories for resettlement in lower central Asia may not be currently suitable for such a large demographic intake and that therefore, mass sterilisation via sexual segregation and voluntary euthenasia programmes (may for the time being), need to remain on the table in order to prevent a latter humanitarian disaster.