
Camera: Jew Hatred at HuffPo

Render5/12/2009 11:49:47 am PDT

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - William L. Shirer

Berlin Diary - William L. Shirer

History of the Second World War - Basil Liddell-Hart

_itler - Konrad Heiden

_itler - Alan Bullock

_itler - Alan Wykes

_itler’s War Directives - HR Trevor-Roper

_itler as War Lord - Franz Halder

_itler Youth - HW Koch

SS and Gestapo - Roger Manville

Sword and Swastika - Telford Taylor

The Black Angels - Rupert Butler

The Second World War - John Keegan

The SS (1922-1945) - Gerald Reitlinger

The early nazi’s considered themselves to be a “third way” only allying themselves with the “extreme” right, bankers, industrialists, and the Wermacht (in that order), as a way to defeat their common enemy, the Communists.

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939 came as a very rude shock to most of those right-wing allies when it was first announced. It also seriously confused pre-war political issues within the US and Europe west of the Rhine.


Don’t make me turn this bookshelf around again old man.
