
Meet Robert Stacy McCain, Neo-Confederate Wacko Extraordinaire

Birth Control Works10/19/2009 7:00:42 pm PDT

re: #192 pdc_lgf

I’ll gladly accept your explanation. I guess RSM’s extremism can be construed as being its own reward.

On the other hand, his need to intellectualize, and draw distinctions (as was pointed at by CJ and the blog post CJ cited) has a lot of manipulation going on.

I get the sense that the guy is enjoying his little word-games and distinction-drawing.

I truly have nothing worth hearing to add to this discussion, beyond what I said already. (How much that was worth, I don’t know either.)

Except to mention that, as others have noted, gefilte fish is really that bad. My parents would threaten to force me to eat it, as a humorous form of anticipatory discipline. I don’t recall with precision, but I’m pretty sure that our dog refused to eat it too.

I had a beagle that refused to eat soy cheese. I figured that, no matter how healthy, if the beagle wouldn’t eat it, I couldn’t make the family eat it either.

Family was much relieved.