
Leading Evangelist: Romney Wears 'Magical Underwear with Satanic Markings'

Varek Raith1/09/2012 7:31:46 pm PST

re: #201 CuriousLurker

Okay, excuse me while I have one of my flights of fancy.

I was just standing at the sink washing out my coffee filter so I could make a fresh pot, and I was thinking about guys in fancy religious outfits thing, then my imagination pounced without warning and sent me into fits of giggles:

Instead of having religious fights/wars we can have international, interfaith beauty pageants! We can gather all the religious leaders from the various religions & their sects—rabbis, popes (east & west), cardinals, gurus, muftis, ayatollahs, etc. and we have this HUGE contest where they all show off their finest garments and accoutrements. In order to make sure the votes are unbiased, we’ll probably need to draft some atheists as judges.

Granted, it’s probably not gonna be much fun for Mormons, Amish, Protestants, and assorted Evangelicals, but I’m pretty sure the Catholics will kick ass!

// LOL, I sooo wish I could project what’s in my head right now into a video and show it to you guys. Do you suppose I’m gonna go to hell for such thoughts?? ;)

What else you put in that coffee…?