
Republicans Realizing They Made a Bad Mistake: That Iran Letter Was a "Light-Hearted, Cheeky" Joke

Nyet3/11/2015 2:16:22 am PDT

Although a viral photo of a flyer listing alleged Texas Fiji pledge rules resurfaced on news and social media websites after the fraternity hosted a party guests said had a “border patrol” theme last month, no source has ever been able to confirm the authenticity of the eight-year-old image.
The flyer is titled “Fiji Pledge Rules — Confidential,” and lists rules including “no interracial dating” and “no Mexicans.”
Though the post has sparked outrage in recent weeks, its source was actually a 2007 post on Flickr, a photo sharing website.
Again, the authenticity of the flyer has never been verified.

All one has to do nowadays is type something in Word, print it out, make a photo: voila, it’s undeniable proof!