
The Next Anti-Hillary Attack Is Queued Up: She Used a "Noise Machine" Against the Media

Yeah Sure WhatEVs4/08/2016 9:04:24 am PDT

re: #202 Belafon

And I haven’t figured out how to make this work. Do we have a “best innovation award” sponsored by the government? Do we execute a underperforming CEO?

Actually, after writing that, the best way to make this work is to figure out how to cap CEO salaries. And that’s where an upper income tax hike, and taxing stock options as income, would be a good start.

Edit: I think this would reduce the incentive of being a CEO just being a place to make a lot of money for yourself before you retire.

I don’t see any possible path for that. The government saying how much someone can or cannot make? I don’t see that happening. Ever.