
Must-See Video: Rachel Maddow Takes It to the Racist Alt-Right

Yeah Sure WhatEVs9/17/2016 7:40:48 am PDT

re: #200 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

We might stave it off this election, but it will rear its ugly head again in a more fearsome form in 2020

By someone smarter and more well spoken than trump. If this isn’t tamped down now, the future of the US is bleak.

You can’t remove 25+ years of propaganda and brainwashing that the right wing media has spewed to the point that righties see Libtards as unpatriotic and dangerous.

You can’t remove die hard racists, homophobes, etc. easily; not without a bunch of old ones dying off and young ones being marginalized.

This election needs to marginalize those assholes. And right now, this does not look to be happening.