
Video: Pamela Geller Exposed on 60 Minutes

TedStriker9/26/2010 8:33:45 pm PDT

re: #188 BigPapa

Good question. Some people want to go places that are comforting to them, some people want to go where there’s action, excitement, something happening.

Some people go to shitty dive bars that smell like piss but the beer is cheap and the bartender lets you slide till the end of the week. Some of us go to the library or gym.

There’s been a few times I’ve actually felt uncomfortable here but it was probably a good thing.

There was a leftward shift to this place a while ago. It wasn’t any one force or thing, but it happened. So what, no big deal. From where this place was it was probably healthy.

I’m no “liberal”, in the pejorative sense of the word in the current right-wing lexicon, but there were a lot of posters who have since departed or were shown the door that were bigots, racists, or just plain old sociopathic assholes…and most of them claimed to be “conservatives”.

LGF is supposed to be anti-idiotarian and pro-common sense…the Legion of the Damned was bringing the level of rational discourse down to subterranean levels at times…I don’t wish them bad luck or harm, but their karma’s gonna catch up to them one day.

I don’t miss them at all…