
Gingrich Executes Stunning Backflip

Jadespring3/23/2011 3:48:06 pm PDT

re: #194 ProLifeLiberal

What’s a likely situation after the election? Prime Minister Ignatieff possible?

If it’s not Harper it would be Ignatieff. I know the Cons are concerned about him because there have been tons of hate ads about Ignatieff on the tv for the past couple of months.

I really am not sure what the outcome would be because I don’t know how this contempt of parliament thing is going to play with the public in terms of Harper’s rep. You would think that it would be really negative. It should be but whether people care enough about that remains to be seen. Most of the concern is about the economy which whether because of things Harper has done or not is doing pretty good compared to most other places. So Harper I think is going to ride that ‘success’ and play the ‘things are going good because of me, don’t change it’ election strategy. That’s what most of the positive ads have been saying anyway.

It could very well work.

To be honest I’m very much in an I don’t care much mood about the whole thing. No one really impresses me right now and I’m sick of elections. Seems like they’re happening every couple of years now and it’s annoying.
I wouldn’t mind seeing Harper go and dread a Con majority but Ignatieff and Layton don’t really do much for me either.