
Overnight Open Thread

Macha5/27/2010 6:49:05 am PDT

re: #106 Jadespring

Jadespring, I’m glad to see you here this morning. You spoke of your problem with chipmunks into the chicken feed several days back and I was too late reading the thread to respond that day. Feeding them more probably won’t work. I had the same problem with ground squirrels. What happens if you feed them to try and keep them from the chicken feed is that they breed more than usual because of the plentiful food supply, and you get double the number of squirrels, or in your case chipmunks. The only thing I have found that works is to feed my chickens in the a.m. inside the coop where the squirrels can’t get to the food. Then remove the food when I open the door to let them out. The girls graze all day, then when I put them back in the evening, they get more laying mash. The squirrels really are a pesky lot, but I can’t bring myself to kill them.