
Somebody Took a Shot at George Zimmerman Today in a "Road Rage" Incident

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines5/11/2015 4:44:07 pm PDT

Things are getting freaky, I mean spring 1861 level freaky, here in Texas. Jade Helm is still 2 months away and the conspiracy industry’s seditious insanity is spreading like a contagious disease. It is likely to reach explosive pitch by the time the exercise gets here. This will happen even if Jade Helm is cancelled, since that would simply empower the kooks to settle all their other imaginary grievances.
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I have been talking to local RWNJs recently. They will open up to me because I am a 65 year old white farmer and an obvious native, so they just assume I am one of them. To make a long story short, the grassroots crazy is much, much worse than what you see in even the kookiest corners of the rightwing media. Progressive friends in Lubbock and across the DFW region confirm that this is true in their areas too. It is getting to be like living in an occupied country.

I really think there is a small, but hardly negligible, chance of a Bundy Ranch episode on a gigantic scale, affecting whole cities, counties, and regions. This is especially so in those areas where local law enforcement is in the hands of low IQ fascists who buy into the “sovereign sheriff” nonsense.

Progressive and liberal minded people who live in RWNJ Texas, especially those who have a public profile as such, should make at least preliminary plans to cope with a localized right wing putsch. The most likely threat would come from ad hoc militia gangs and vigilantes, assisted by rogue cops, setting up road blocks or possibly attempting to round up “traitors” and “agents.” I have heard them threaten to do both.

I have talked about the possibility of arming ourselves against this threat and that is still on the table for those who are REALLY sure they know how to handle it. The best course, however, might be to flee to safety. Get a collection of RWNJ bumper stickers to slap on your car, learn a few of their talking points and you should be safe for a short journey. Oklahoma, Arkansas or New Mexico are good choices. Louisiana is iffy because of conspiracist influence there. Oklahoma is at least as RW as Texas, but the locals never miss a chance to stick a finger in Texan eyes, so they would be glad to welcome refugees and gloat over the train wreck in their neighboring state. The Austin and San Antonio areas should also be safe.

It shouldn’t take more than a few days for legitimate authority to be restored in most areas and you can come back then.

Before you decide I have gone completely over the deep end, ask yourselves what would have happened to any liberal politicians or activists who were unlucky enough to be caught inside the Bundy Ranch compound at the time of the confrontation. Remember the media who were assaulted and threatened at the roadblocks?

If I am being an alarmist, well, the RWNJs have millions of alarmists. Why shouldn’t we have them too?
In fact, you can’t preach violence, sedition, and “second amendment solutions” to millions of receptive dupes for years on end and not expect some kind of major explosion when the right match is put to the fuse.