
Overnight Ocean Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/29/2009 5:09:16 am PDT

re: #204 LudwigVanQuixote

Sadly few people care. For all the good work put into on a subject like this, the reality is only a minority of people on contemporary events blogs, or political blogs, actually follow this stuff. Many people are caught up with arguing over Gore=bad / Gore=good heated exchanges… few actually read the scientific writings.

IMO the problems we face are so multi-faceted that I get very much into a doomer mood wrt climate and environment. Economic and international relations will drive the day, not well thought out approaches to dealing with life on this planet.

Ultimately the “right” has little use for environmentalists except as whipping boys, and the “left” has all too often shown itself concerned more with a profound lack of understanding on why people do what they do and more specifically on why groups of people don’t act the way they are “supposed” to do.