
Top GOP Politicians Listen to Crackpot David Barton: 'Jesus Opposed the Minimum Wage'

Aye Pod3/25/2011 3:07:17 pm PDT

re: #202 iceweasel

From the same source:

Jesus was a man of compassion. His heart cried out for the hurting, the lost and the sick. Now … listen to me …. when five thousand were hungry, Mr. President, he fed them with loaves and fishes ” freely given” by a little boy. Jesus never took a shekel from anyone’s pocket by threat of law —- or by quote of scripture —- to feed the hungry or heal the sick. Would to God, Mr. President, you could see the difference.

So basically Obama is a bad president because he can’t reproduce the miracle of the loaves and fishes? Are we at the point now where Jesus is our President?

This kind of compassion is for Jesus and JESUS ALONE. You are NOT, under any circumstances, to think that he was trying to set some sort of example - that would result in socialism.