
Week in Review: A Right Wing Fail-a-Ganza

Birth Control Works5/18/2012 10:39:11 pm PDT

re: #206 bratwurst

This is kind of an odd situation. To make a long story short, this school is about to go through an accreditation process that they are clearly VERY nervous about…as well they should be, they have essentially been running a student visa mill. I certainly did my best to actually teach whoever was interested, but overall the place is more than a bit of a joke. I really think their mentality is to sweep any and everything under the rug that isn’t related to accreditation with the justification that there won’t be any school AT ALL if they fail.

I have been teaching for most of the last two decades in various capacities and I have just had it. If I start a new job sweeping the street, within about 6 months I will have achieved about the same level of respect and prestige as I have teaching! It is sad because I have had some amazing experiences working in 3 different countries, but I am finished. Time to do something else.

I think teachers have very much gone the way of doctors —You don’t get to do your job, really. You have to follow orders and work within a framework whether or not it is the best for the student/patient.