
A Gorgeous Performance on 18-String Acoustic Guitar by Ian Ethan Case: "The Circle (4 Seasons in 1 Day)"

Botsplainer3/09/2017 3:05:34 am PST

Wheatdogg, I think AF1 taxis to the KYANG terminal and the motorcade exits through those gates.

There have been some sizeable anti-McConnell rallies, so they’re 1st Amendment free speech zoning everything far off. I tried to gin up a protest at Southeast Christian (Mitch’s church, natch - those fucking ghouls are dipping their pharisaic crony white Christian scam artist fingers into everything), but the weather sucked, too short notice, and despite the parking lot being leased to TARC for park and ride (and this public), we were met by an outnumbering group of cops and escorted to the property edge. They made sure to photograph us and our plates on the sly.