
Tiller Murder Suspect Identified, Posted at Operation Rescue

Pythagoras5/31/2009 6:13:47 pm PDT

One thing seems obvious to me β€” this guy went completely around the bend.

Try to imagine, for a moment, that you lose your sanity over some issue you are passionate about and decide to do something totally evil and counter-productive. Should you:

A) Plan the act so that all evidence is destroyed (e.g. blown up) in the act,

B) Write a manifesto about your issue so as to leave lots of clues around as to who you are,

C) Leave a post-it note in your car implicating an organization β€œon your side.”

Somehow people who are crazy manage to make crazy choices. I cannot fathom their thinking. Ted Kazinski chose B. Scott Roeder chose C.

The human mind can be the ugliest and saddest thing in the whole world. Frank Zappa wrote a brilliant song about this.