
Coming Soon: More Nuclear Power Plants

iceweasel2/16/2010 8:38:40 pm PST

re: #200 Gus 802

Exactly. She’s a criminal that happens to be a leftist. There is no evidence of her being involved with an radical groups anyway. The only thing I saw was that she is essentially a big Obama groupie and a self described socialist. She was not a member of anything like a “Weather Underground” and so on.

Of course I already saw the usual suspects who are trying to promote this angle: Dan Collins, Donald Douglas, Jim Hoft, and Dan Riehl. That says it all right there.

I’m not even sure she was a ‘socialist’. Last I heard the ‘evidence’ for this was one anonymous comment on RateMyProfessors.

Given how few supposed adults appear to know the definition of ‘socialist’, I’m inclined to take a single anon comment on RateMyProfs with a bushel of salt.