
Texas GOP Lt. Gov. Candidates Agree: More Religion Needed in Science Class

Targetpractice1/28/2014 9:21:43 am PST

re: #19 Lidane

Exhibit A why I will never, ever vote Republican in this state again.

I used to delude myself that by looking at the candidates individually instead of by party, I was doing a good thing. Not anymore. The Texas GOP are full of raving lunatics like this. I won’t vote for anyone with an (R) after their name again. If my only option in a race is a GOP candidate, I leave it blank.

Also, David Dewhurst’s political savvy explains why Ted Cruz is a Senator. Let that sink in a while.

At least you’re better than those who screamed “A pox on both houses!” and now natter on about the “duopoly” and how third parties can’t get an even break in major races because there’s a grand conspiracy to keep them from being seen as viable political parties.